( A Short Comic Script)

by Nicholas Aaron Hodge

(Art by Valentino Quijano)

The Story of “P O W E R”

In an idyllic marshland (far from the prying eyes of humanity) a young, curious, boundless Spirit called “Electricity” arrives in the air, tethered to titanic power lines stretching to the horizon. They are soon delighted by the emergence of a much older, wiser, natural Spirit, simply called, “The Marsh,” who is bemused by her newfound friend’s mercurial nature. Can two such disparate Spirits ever truly understand each other? Will humanity grow to eclipse their place in this world? Or will they outlast us all? Ponder these questions and more in the pages of- P O W E R!

This story began to form in my mind walking through the marshlands of northern Illinois, specifically Illinois State Beach Park while on a summer camping trip. I find that my mind often strays into history- to the passage of time- as I wonder what came before, and what will remain in the future. I wanted to tell a simple story that captures a new age mythology, instilled with my own zeal for the preservation of nature and my critique of humanities inherent ignorant impulses.


"Hunt. Kill. Repeat" (Comic Script)


How to Grow ( Comic Anthology Submission)