“Hunt. Kill. Repeat” Comic Spec Script

by Nicholas Aaron Hodge

>2024 Mad Cave Studios Talent Search Submission

(Cover Art by Ryan M Kincaid)

Annually, the comic book publisher Mad Cave Studios holds a “new talent” search that offers emerging comic book artists, writers, and letterers the chance to be recognized and given opportunities within the industry. This year I resolved to give it my best shot and wrote a spec script for their original property, “Hunt. Kill. Repeat” by Mark London.

In an effort to expand the world building of the story and to offer new mythological characters, I set my chapter in an entirely new locale within the dystopian world of the series, a mountain town called “Mene,” governed by the moon goddess Selene. In some accounts of Selene’s mythology, it is alleged that she is the mother of the tragic figure Narcissus, who I thought would also be a fitting addition in this graphic, twisted world dominated by the Greek Gods.

I enjoyed the chance to invent within the world of this series and I am happy with the story I was able to create even if I wasn’t selected this time around- I intend to participate next year!


P O W E R (Short Comic Script)