The Little Island

by Nicholas Hodge

>Short Story Submission written for Swamp Pink Literary Magazine

Chicago Aerial Survey (Provided by Chicago’s Newberry Library Digital Collections)

In 2020, I read an article (that I have since been unable to find) about an unfortunate Chicago-based woman who fell into Lake Michigan in the Fall and was swept away by the current of that cold green water. Not even a week later, which seemed improbable to me, her body was discovered washed up into the shallows of a Michigan beach on the opposite side of the lake.

The imagery of this sad event consumed my thoughts for some time. I think it is one of the many things in life that makes you feel small, fragile, ephemeral. So I wrote this short story, with its’ own fanciful spin. that I thought was quite simple and quite good and I submitted to some of my favorite literary magazines. Of course, the story was not selected, or I would be including a different link, but it still sticks with me to this day. Perhaps I will return to it for a collection of short stories I have been meaning to compile for some time now.

Link to Short Story:

The Little Island


The Foolish Miracle


We Were Never Here