DC’s All In Special- The Future that Was
From DC Comics
Written by Scott Snyder & Joshua Williamson
Art by Daniel Sampere, Wes Craig, & Dan Mora
I wasn’t gonna do it. I was intentionally trying NOT to be an absolute(nice) nerd, and come on here and talk about the big DC Comics restructuring event tie-in, but… it’s just too damn GOOD not to talk about.
First of all, the simple fact that we have two of, if not THE, most iconic modern DC Comics writers working together for this pivotal, plus sized issue, pretty much guarantees it’s quality. Furthered even more by the unique, contrasting combo of Wes Craig and Daniel Sampere on art for both halves of this book (more on that in a moment).
Also, while we are on the subject of great artists, when are we going to talk about how Daniel Sampere and Dan Mora have both created the definitive “look” of modern DC Comics for an entire generation of new readers? We have to give credit where it is due, sooner rather than later.
There are a myriad of details that make this Special issue so engaging and laudable, but the most approachable is that it is a true Justice League event. If you enjoy reading superhero stories with monumental, epic, universe altering stakes, then you can do no better than this event which includes pretty much every DC superhero you can think of.
What’s more, this event does the hard work of layering a complex narrative and conflict that opens up an entire universe, which is a commendable feat. In the modern era of rising costs on all levels of comic book production, I can envision a version of this story briefly summarized to much lesser effect as the foreword to each of the “Absolute” titles set to release in just a few weeks. Thankfully, having been presented with this fully fleshed out, artistically eloquent idea, I am even MORE invested in the future of DC Comics and giddily waiting to explore this fledgling Absolute Universe. I should also point out that this positive perspective is coming from someone who has previously not cared for any of the recent DC Event titles, which I found to feel largely to be too thinly plotted or melodramatic.
Let’s talk more specifically about this All In Special, which means-
In the “Alpha” chapter of this special we see the harmonious union of all members of the Justice League, indeed, the union of all of the relevant forces in the DC mythos at large- as they gather together to create new, powerful Justice League member cards to be distributed to a broad new team. Superman reflects on the last few years of DC Comics events, remarking that the Justice League has survived an increasing onslaught of attacks from all directions, and need to be different if they intend on surviving in the future. Thus begins a montage of new Justice League member additions, with a highlight on none other than- Booster Gold.
Booster Gold has historically been presented as a predominantly comedic character, a time traveler who dreamed of being a hero in the Golden Age of heroes and inserted himself awkwardly into the story he knew and loved. As Superman presents Booster with his fancy new Justice League membership card, it triggers a memory of the future “Hall of Heroes” that Booster Gold worked at, where he saw this specific membership card framed to honor the age of peace and prosperity the decades it existed in brought to the universe. Booster also comments that, in his unique position as a time traveler, he has noticed several artifacts that appear to be constants- batarangs, green lantern rings, his own legion ring, and this specific membership card. Booster also uncharacteristically, or rather refreshingly, levels with Superman- explaining that he has had reservations lately about his lingering presence in this timeline, pondering if he should at last return home. However, Superman’s personal reassurance invigorates Booster (I mean it would make me feel better) and he arrives later that day at the largest Justice League Watchtower space station ever constructed.
As I mentioned before, this Justice League Unlimited team comprises just about every character you can imagine in the DC universe, which is really nice to see- legitimizing in a way a host of characters that have been traditionally sidelined. It is also really exciting and refreshing to see Mr. Terrific leading the welcoming ceremony as he explains the unique, hard-earned nature of the JL Membership Cards and the ceremonially blank one in front of him to be displayed as a symbol of hope for the future Justice League. For just a moment, it really does feel like the future is safe. That no possible threat could overcome these bright, powerful, diverse heroes. But of course- the moment does not last.
Suddenly, all of the magic users in the assembly are overcome by a disembodied voice proclaiming something related to Darkseid and The Spectre, before omega beams erupt from their eyes in a destructive, disorienting spectacle that heralds the arrival of- Darkseid. Yet it’s not just any Darkseid, this is Darkseid fused with the primordial force of The Spectre, with an ax for a left arm- so needless to say, this is an unexpected and PEAK character design.
As the more physically capable heroes battle with the constantly appearing and disappearing Darkseid (terrifying), Booster confers with Mr. Terrific, who is unsure how to stop Darkseid. Booster watches in horror as the Justice League Membership card is transformed by the unholy energy crackling throughout the room, knowing that his future has been irrevocably changed.
The magic users quickly confer in psychic head space, which is just SUCH an amazing image with Zatanna, Raven, Dr. Fate, and Deadman bound together by an arcane symbol. While it is a relatively simple, condensed image, it wordlessly conveys just how fucking serious this new version of Darkseid is for all of these powerful characters to have to pool their resources.
Finally, Zatanna is able to imbue Superman with magic ability to banish the trapped spirit of The Spectre from Darkseid which kills Darkseid in the process. However, in his final moments, with a stunning, Kirby-esque panel spread, Darkseid thanks Superman with the chilling final words, “Darkseid Ends.”
This feeling is only reinforced by the counterpart story, “Omega” in this special issue that we have yet to talk about- but this story feels like the true, natural, intended evolution of Darkseid’s character in a really touching, inventive way. I have felt for some time that Darkseid’s character in DC is often used in a haphazard or shallow way as a generic “big bad evil,” so to see this bold, nuanced, entertaining direction for the character makes me happy. Treating Darkseid like a character, calling him by his name, Uxas even (multiple times) shows how ambitious, yet thoughtful this change is.
In the final pages of “Alpha,” our heroes discuss Darkseid’s disappearance, consulting with Orion, who informs them that Darkseid is indeed gone- but the universe will choose a new soul to take his place. Is that the inciting incident of Ram V and Evan Cagles The New Gods run?! That is such an amazing starting point-
Anyway, Mr. Terrific and company continue to study the rift in time and space that Darkseid’s disintegration has caused, his energy still rippling from the Membership Card, and determine that it is a doorway to a new universe emanating Darkseid’s familiar energy. Wonder Woman insists that they give chase, however, Mr. Terrific cautions that only a being tempered to tachyon particles could make the journey safely which means- it’s Booster Gold’s time to shine baby! Booster careens across the waves of time and lands in a hellish, burning world alone and without contact back to his own universe. Suddenly, Omega Beams shoot towards him as the sky blackens with the shadows of approaching figures, one of which is wearing his familiar Legion Ring… but more on that after we talk about the next chapter of this magnificently intense All in Special.
“Omega” begins on the opposite side of the book, which is such a subtle, yet engaging tactile effect that makes this book even more- well… special. This companion piece to the All In Special follows the saga of Darkseid, beginning with his design of a mysterious new occult machine that he sacrifices his own hand to in order to bind himself by blood. This rare, earnest look into the world of Apokolips is so otherworldly and evocative, made all that more engaging by Wes Craig’s specific, raw, ingenuitive artwork.
Before too long, Darkseid is confronted by his familiar ensemble on Apokolips, who present him with a new and improved army to conquer the galaxy. However, Darkseid has no interest in this pursuit, and instead kills his own son Kalibax and feeds him to the mysterious machine in order to accomplish his own designs. Darkseid, ever fitting to his character, only hints at his intent, saying that he felt a strange surge of power after the Miltiverse was closed forever, a feeling that has consumed his thoughts ever since.
Next, we see Dakrseid scour the other realms of the universe, mystifyingly crying, “Where Is He?” as his enemies offer him his greatest wishes for peace- beseeches that Darkseid stubbornly denies. Finally, Darkseid arrives on the dark side of the moon where he does battle with Eclipso, an Angel of Vengeance, who he narrowly loses to until he boomtubes him into the heart of a sun like a particularly resilient Dragon Ball Z villain. Finally, Darkseid’s purpose is made clear as he enters the prison of Jim Corrigna, The Spectre, whom he intends to bond with through the power of his brand new Miracle Machine in order to uncover the secrets of the universe that have eluded him.
As Darkseid bonds with The Spectre, he is assaulted by visions of himself fighting members of the Justice League that soon fade and turn into The Spectre himself. The Spectre desperately assures Darkseid that he should be content knowing that he is a foundational part of existence- however Darkseid desires something more, change. In the end, as Darkseid’s essence disintegrates from everything he has ever known, he finds shape again in a new universe, possessing the firmament of existence with elements of what Darkseid is. In this universe, Darkseid muses, there is no simple balance- heroes are born in Hell, they are Chaos itself, they are Alone and desperate, here “Hope is the underdog.”
It is precisely this twisted, beautiful, enterprising vision that lays the basis for the new “Absolute Universe” from DC Comics. What a stirring, carefully designed and executed, and impactful evolution for the cosmic character of Darkseid it is that carries us into this next chapter.
In the final pages of “Omega” we return to the imagery of Booster Gold from “Alph” as he is confronted by the Absolute Justice League, who are as numerous and as formidable as their alternate counterparts, seemingly led by their own Booster Gold, or is just a poignant focal point. The character designs here by Dan Mora are also particularly exciting and noteworthy and I can’t wait to see further appearances from them- though I’m not sure when exactly that will be given the host of new “Absolute” comics releasing soon.
So what am I ultimately saying? The DC All In Special proved to be a unique, enthralling, memorable gem of a comic book that also succeeded in its mission to entice new readers to this historical shift in the DC Comics universe without feeling at all like some boring editorial advertisement. Do yourself a favor and pick up this piece of comic book history on shelves at your local comic book store now!
Sidenote- I wonder how this issue is going to be collected in the future, cause I definitely want to read this again retrospectively after the “Absolute” era is finished.
- Nicholas Aaron Hodge